RAIN RFID+NFC Two-Way Applications in One Tamper Proof Label
Bring Dual Frequency in One Single Label
Digital and Mechanical Intertwine for High-end Applications
RAINFC Label Optimizes Workflow and Reduces Risks in Drug Dispensing in Hospital
Speaking of a hospital application, there is zero tolerance of human error while there are many tasks to complete and manage in this domain. Therefore, RFID is mostly used for security, sample/equipment tracking and inventory control purposes. Take a look at the drug dispensing process. It will bring harm to patients if medication errors happen. Among factors leading to such failures, they are usually associated with poor communication, problems of the package labels, personnel work overload, and the outdated information in the whole system. Hospitals can implement RFID system to take advantage of the technology as to reduce these risks. They apply such a label to a box/bottle of medicine for easy counting and stock control on the RAIN RFID side. Hospital personnel can interact with the box/bottle on their NFC-enabled phone to look for more information.
They can also update it vice versa to make the system remain current. By utilizing the Tag Tamper function, it alerts people if the seal is broken for better personnel/patient safety protection. Meanwhile, counting of the expiry date can also happen on the App to facilitate first-in-first-out inventory management. With the help of this dual frequency label, it improves operational efficiency and the manpower can focus on conducing more profitable tasks. Significant cost savings can also be expected.