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SAG × STマイクロエレクトロニクス

FRAM Tag uniquely features its capability to survive the radiation of gamma ray during the sterilization process for surgical tools used in a hospital. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the...

FRAM Tag uniquely features its capability to survive the radiation of gamma ray during the sterilization process for surgical tools used in a hospital. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the best of RAM and ROM.

FRAM Tag uniquely features its capability to survive the radiation of gamma ray during the sterilization process for surgical tools used in a hospital. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the best of RAM and ROM. It is ideal for applications that require high-performance, non-volatile and large memory. FRAM offers several major advantages over EEPROM, including its read/write speed, endurance, low power consumption, higher security, and tolerance for radiation. Looking at all these features, SAG has hard tag product with MB89R118/119/112 powered by Fujitsu to target demands from industrial to health care sectors.

SAGは、STマイクロエレクトロニクス社と共同で、最新のST25TVおよびST25TNチップシリーズを搭載したラベルやタグを製造しています。 顧客との関わり、医療、家電、そしてより高度なNFCアプリケーションのために当社が作る製品のポートフォリオをご覧ください。

SAG × STマイクロエレクトロニクス

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Explore our progressive portfolio of digital ID technologies to choose the product or solution that fits your business needs.


FRAM Tag uniquely features its capability to survive the radiation of gamma ray during the sterilization process for surgical tools used in a hospital. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the...

FRAM Tag uniquely features its capability to survive the radiation of gamma ray during the sterilization process for surgical tools used in a hospital. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the best of RAM and ROM.

FRAM Tag uniquely features its capability to survive the radiation of gamma ray during the sterilization process for surgical tools used in a hospital. Ferroelectric RAM (FRAM) is a memory technology that combines the best of RAM and ROM. It is ideal for applications that require high-performance, non-volatile and large memory. FRAM offers several major advantages over EEPROM, including its read/write speed, endurance, low power consumption, higher security, and tolerance for radiation. Looking at all these features, SAG has hard tag product with MB89R118/119/112 powered by Fujitsu to target demands from industrial to health care sectors.

IoTと言えば、モノとモノをつなぐNFCの技術が重要な役割を担っています。 SAGは、「ライフオーグメンテッド」のビジョンを真に実現するために、STマイクロエレクトロニクスと連携して、様々なアプリケーションにタグやラベルを提供してきました。 NFC技術を得意とするSTマイクロエレクトロニクスは、NFCフォーラムで認証されたType 4およびType5のNFCタグ用ST25Tシリーズと、パラメータ設定や便利なペアリングなど、より高度な使用事例に対応する独自の機能を備えたダイナミックタグ用ST25Dシリーズを提供します。 当社は、様々なフォームファクターを有する製品ポートフォリオによって、お客様のNFCアプリケーションに対応します。

18 x 35 HF Smart Label

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D29 HF Metal Label

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Metal Labelは、金属表面を持つアイテム用に特別に設計されています。 Metal Labelは、NFCチップを搭載し、NFC対応のスマートフォンと相互作用することができます...

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HF Labels


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